new music

Hold Him Again

This is a song that had been “cooking” for a very long time. It’s one that I wanted to get right.

How do you deal with the death of a loved one? My father-in-law died extremely suddenly almost two years ago. I loved him dearly, but it was clear to me that there were those who loved him so much more than I did.

It caused deep unrest within my spirit. How does a wife deal with the passing of a husband?...


Album of the Week

20150914 Oh Wonder 1
(Photo from

The debut album from Oh Wonder is, in some ways, not really a debut. Their delighted fans will have been following the monthly release of each single since last September.

But me, as a new discoverer of Oh Wonder, I was unable to unlock all of its treats in one blissful go...


Song of the Week

Plastic - Moses Sumney

Moses’ EP seems to be a beautiful concoction of all things mysterious. His voice is rich yet raspy. His songs minimal yet bursting.

Plastic’s lyrics resonate incredibly with where I am at: “I know what it is to be broke and to be bold”. Isn’t it so true that our boldness has to come from being broken? If we are not broken and stripped down to our cores, knowing who we truly are, our boldness will always be fickle and fleeting.

20150601 Moses

Song of the Week

If You Wait - London Grammar

Well, this is a little bit of a leaving song since it has been a week of leaving. Amazing, yearning vocals, longing lyrics.

And if you wait, if you wait
I will trust in time that we will meet again
If you wait”

I won’t lie... it made me a little teary as I was thinking of all the goodbyes.

20150420 London Grammar