Aug 2015

Lyrics - You and Me Together

I was looking through my old journals while I was in Seattle, and I realised that I had so many lyric ideas that hadn’t been developed into songs. So I gave this one a shot. Wish I could share a recording... will have to post it later!

21050815 You and Me Together

If I met you all over again, what would be the first line in my head?
What emotion would spring out of me, would we cross paths uneventfully?
But no, how I’m certain, that certain things would surely come to be.
Your smile, your conversing would hit the target oh so accurately...


The Collaborator

20150812 The Collaborator

On the road, as I think I have thought about in previous posts, I knew I would find it hard to write music...

But I truly had no idea, that on a trip which is about music, how little I would actually get to play! Perhaps it would be different if I was a guitar player - I could pull out my guitar wherever we happen to be, with no need for electricity or amplification. But with my electric piano, no matter how much I love it, the number of times that I have been able to get it out just to play, practice, write... well I can count them on one hand...