Feb 2015

Lyrics - The Rush

Find a world, jump inside
Take her place and when you’re ready
Wear her dress, try her smile
Oh yes a handbag on your arm, nice and steady,

As she goes, you go, stiff drink...


Bon Voyage

20150223 Packing

We’re travelling to the Philippines today. Last night at 1am, having put it off all day, we finally finished packing.

While travelling usually excites me, the process of packing in some ways always depresses me. I sit, surrounded my bags and boxes and clothes and wires, and half of me thinks...


Song of the Week

Retrograde - James Blake


Retrograde is simple yet with layers of intricacy. I fell in love with just the first few bars, and then with every listen I am further hypnotised. That voice. That siren. That slow, steady thud... mmmmm...

Lyrics - Deep Calls To Me

Deep calls to deep calls to me,
And deep, deep is strong, hurling rocks, smashing glass.
But my surface is clear, no ripples, no tears.
I’m still. I smile. All inside. No out...


Stage 1: Valentines


Some photos from my gig in support of Brady Toops on his Hong Kong tour. It was Valentine’s Day, and so of course I had to sing the song that I wrote on Valentines’ Day last year. I don’t usually write “love songs”...


Song of the Week

Like the Morning Dew - Laura Mvula


So incredibly surreal, catchy, intense and deep, Laura’s voice is all at once classic jazz and electronic engineered futuristic. Reminding me of a cross between Amy Winehouse and Imogen Heap, this song is a beautiful awakening.



What makes people “driven”? You know, how some people have that remarkable tenacity, grit, determination, never quit. I watched the Oscar Nominated “Whiplash” last night. I won’t ruin the story, but...


Lyrics - Something on my mind


There is something on my mind.
There is something demanding my time.
And I know I have to let go of my pride,
Before I can do the thing I know is right...