
It’s New Year’s Eve. A time to look back on the year, and one to look forward to all that’s to come in 2015. I have been quietly and deliberately setting myself my resolutions; and oh yes, they’re good ones. But as I set them, there’s a twinge of sadness in me, knowing that I in all likelihood will not live up to these shiny new standards that I am inaugurating.

I have always been a starter. Not such a great finisher. Like my mother, I am all vigour and imagination and purpose with a new project to birth. I could never understand why we would have to wait to start something. I think that
now is always the best time to start. So off I go! But it is in the maintenance that I fall short.

Recently, I read a wonderful blog about those who are the best athletes knowing the difference between the “event” and the “process”. The one who stands out is the one who can handle the boredom of training every single day, doing the same lifts over and over again. He relishes the “process” And that is why, during the “event”, he is champion.

We have to find a way to be motivated by the ordinary if we are to experience the extraordinary! We have to fall in love with the mundane. More often than not, I think I am in love with my idea of the end product, but I need to fall in love with the process. How do you fall in love with something? Spend time with it, get to know it, invest in it.

As you resolve to a better, fuller, deeper you in 2015, I am wishing you all joy, love, and a year full of excellent music!
